The Effects of Massage on Brain Waves
25-Jun-2013Massage therapy, while assisting to create a relaxed state, actually alters one’s state of consciousness. The brain emits small electrical charges which can be measured by an electroencephalograph or EEG. These impulses are categorized by their frequencies or wave patterns and tell us about our state of mind:
- Beta – oscillating at the highest frequencies (14 to 38 cycles per second), beta waves occur when we are most active and engaged: problem solving, multi-tasking, organizing, conversing and active thinking.
- Alpha – (8 to 13 cycles per second) these waves happen when we are calm and relaxed, yet focused. Staying in this meditative yet alert state takes practice in our hectic, stressful world.
- Theta – (4 to 7 cps) during a massage, when you begin to sense the music is distant and your awareness drifts, this is known as the theta state. Most mind/body connections occur here and it is believed to be the still point where most healing happens on a deep, cellular level.
- Delta – (0.1 to 4 cycles per second) this is deep space for the mind — all sensations in the physical realm are ignored unless triggered by what is considered important by one’s consciousness: alarms, a voice calling you back or a child crying.
Clients often arrive in the beta state, but with soothing touch and a warm, comfortable environment, any of the lower-frequency states can be achieved. Occasionally, someone will apologize for falling asleep or snoring. No worries! Relaxation is one of the goals of your visit….and you still get all the other benefits massage offers.
Rod Cain, LMT owns and operates Rod Cain Massage Therapy in Burlington, Vermont.